Wednesday Night Podcast

Adam Sandler What The Hell Happened To Me

Acton Music Project Season 4 Episode 47

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Happy New Year (or, uh, Happy New-ish Year)! The Wednesday Night Podcast is back and ready to kick off 2024 with a bang – live from the aptly named town of Rough and Ready, California! We're wrapping up our Lewd Town Tour with a visit to this historic (and possibly slightly lawless) gold rush town, and things are bound to get…interesting.

To help us make sense of the past year (and maybe forget some of it), we're revisiting Adam Sandler's comedic masterpiece, What the Hell Happened to Me? This album serves as the perfect soundtrack for Jill's hilarious and often bewildering holiday stories. 

So, grab a hangover cure (you'll probably need it), settle in, and join us as we say goodbye to 2023 and hello to whatever madness 2024 has in store. Just remember, whatever happened last year…well, What the Hell Happened to Me?

Craig's phone number: ‪(978) 310-1613‬